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DM:U S02E08 On Top of the Worlds

The King is Back! Ben gives us the low-down on GenCon and his Worlds experience and Spug does likewise for Rest of the Worlds, including an interview with the winner.


02:58 Ben’s Worlds Report

Ben’s Fake Worlds Team from DFXL

A Variant of Ben’s Worlds Team in Practice

73:16 Spug’s Rest of the Worlds Report

Rest of the Worlds

92:07 AoB

The English Open (date confirmed as 16th September)

This is the main Dice Fight page, where you will find the monthly schedule and sign-up instructions.

Here’s an invite to the DM Discord Server (drop us a line if it expires); once you’re in, look for the #dice-fight channel

You can contact us here, on our Facebook page or by email.

Our theme tune is Ode to Joy – Heavy Edition, written specially for us by the most excellent dafteaux.

The funky breakbeat drum loop is by Alexander, used under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License