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Dice Trays (Campaign Box Inserts)

Back in 2018, I had all my dice stored in plastic bead boxes, and they were starting to get out of hand. I also had a couple of Turtles Box Sets which criminally underused the space inside them, and we knew then that the identically proportioned campaign boxes were on their way.

I had seen some lovely looking laser-cut storage solutions on the interwebs; the DM ones consisted of an outer box filled with a stack of removable trays. I didn’t actually want the box, though, just the trays, preferably resized to fit in a campaign box…

You get nowt without asking, as my mum always says, so I measured up the Turtles boxes and sweetly asked the company if they could cut me some custom trays. It took over a year of gentle pushing, but the lovely Dave Sheldrake eventually came through with 10 of these beauties:

Each tray holds 240 dice and two trays fit perfectly in a campaign box. I had to put them together myself, but that wasn’t too hard, even for a DIY anti-talent like myself. Check out me and my daughter’s construction (and language) skills in this video:

The bad news is that Dave has retired and the company that made the box is no longer in business. The good news? Dave also very kindly sent me the CAD files for the trays 🙂 My erstwhile partner-in-crime, Zack Pope, converted the format so that they would work in his laser cutter, and also made one small modification: he made a second set of side panels without the top tab, so the lid fits on properly (Dave included both variants when he sent me the trays – I used Zack’s upper side panels, as you can see in the video).

(In case you’re wondering, the original plan was to have a stack of three trays, but we later realised that two was a perfect fit). Anyway, if you know what to do with them (or know someone who does), you can download the original dxf file and Zack’s svg files here:

Files for Making Lovely Dice Trays

A note on materials – my trays are made from 3mm plywood (I think), but the amazing Ross Foster has laser cut some from single-ply corrugated card (also 3mm), and reports that he has had no structural issues whatsoever. They’re probably a fair bit lighter than mine, too! Here are some more photos of mine, and some of his:

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