With the first major competitive test of the new modern meta in the bag, we’ll be reflecting on Dice Fight XL3 and assessing the state of the game before the upcoming world championship. We’re also puzzling over some of the latest rulings and trying not to let a certain world champion get too salty over his recent competitive experiences.
03:32 Dice Fight XL3 Review
Dice Fight XL – all the info, including team lists
James’s Games – one still to be released
51:04 Worlds Preview
James attempts Arctic Breath + Drax
James fields Starro with Collector
70:52 Rulings Update
85:56 AoB
This is the main Dice Fight page, where you will find the monthly schedule and sign-up instructions.
Here’s an invite to the DM Discord Server (drop us a line if it expires); once you’re in, look for the #dice-fight channel
You can contact us here, on our Facebook page or by email.
Our theme tune is Ode to Joy – Heavy Edition, written specially for us by the most excellent dafteaux.
The funky breakbeat drum loop is by Alexander, used under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License