We’re continuing our focus on the Dark Phoenix Saga set and debating which are the best versions of some of the new characters. We’re also looking forward to the latest Two Team Takedown online tournament and predicting which teams will rise to the top in the first major test of the new meta. Plus: which DPS super rare are you most-excited about getting to the table?
00:48 Best Versions Discussion
54:14 TTTD Preview
65:18 AoB – Best SR/BAC & Dice Fight
This is the main Dice Fight page, where you will find the monthly schedule and sign-up instructions.
Here’s an invite to the DM Discord Server (drop us a line if it expires); once you’re in, look for the #dice-fight channel
You can contact us here, on our Facebook page or by email.
Our theme tune is Ode to Joy – Heavy Edition, written specially for us by the most excellent dafteaux.
The funky breakbeat drum loop is by Alexander, used under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License