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DM:U36 Anarchy in the UKGE

We kick off with more Dark Phoenix spoilers (including a really fun-looking one) before hearing all about Ben’s trip to the UK Games Expo, which included an actual face-to-face Dice Masters tournament. We’re also tackling the big question of which Dice Masters character we’d most like to take on holiday, before bringing you up to date with the latest on the upcoming Dice Fight: XL online tournament.


00:53 Spoilers!

Our comprehensive Dark Phoenix spoilers page

The video should be out in about 24 hours, and I’ll add the spoilers to the web page about 24 hours after that.

17:53 UKGE Report

36:44 DM characters to holiday with

47:07 DF:XL Update and AoB

Dice Fight: XL Webpage

Dice Fight: XL Preparation videos

The Dice Masters Online Discord server (drop us a line if this invite link has expired) Go to #dice-fight

Sponsor Spug’s Marathon:

This is the main Dice Fight page, where you will find the monthly schedule and sign-up instructions.

You can contact us here, on our Facebook page or by email.

Our theme tune is Ode to Joy – Heavy Edition, written specially for us by the most excellent dafteaux.

The funky breakbeat drum loop is by Alexander, used under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License