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DM:U09 Common Eileen

With the launch of the Infinity Gauntlet set looming, we embark on the epic task of reviewing every single card in the new expansion, sorting the wheat from the chaff so you don’t have to. And what is Dice Fight XL and how can you get involved?


0:55 Infinity Gauntlet Review – The Commons

Infinity Gauntlet Commons on the Dice Coalition Team Builder

54:14 Dice Fight XL – Saturday 25th July

54:40 What is Dice Fight?

55:20 The Traffic Light System

57:54 Dice School

58:38 Dice Fight XL Timing

61:04 Proxies I – characters with old dice (as many characters of this type as you like)

62:00 Proxies II – characters with new dice (use non-modern action dice with matching energy – max two characters of this type)

63:55 Bans – Typhoid Mary (all versions)

63:35 Prizing and Blogs:

66:39 Dice Fight, Art Videos, Acceleration, Contact Details

Thursday 16th July – Oompa Loompas – Orange, all 3 costs

Thursday 23rd July – nothing formal because DF:XL is on 25th

This is the main Dice Fight page, where you will find general instructions and a link to the latest event. 

This is the first in our series of videos looking at the best of DM art: An Art Critic’s Guide to Dice Masters

Our theme tune is Ode to Joy – Heavy Edition, written specially for us by the most excellent dafteaux.

The funky breakbeat drum loop is by Alexander, used under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License