Last Saturday, our Dice Fight XL tournament saw the first competitive use of the new Infinity Gauntlet set. It’s early days for the meta, and it should be pointed out that Typhoid Mary was banned for being awkward to proxy, so things will obviously change, but I thought I’d do a quick list of the teams for your perusal.
1. Peter
2. Jo
3. Ben
4. Benzino
5. General Nemesis
6. Steve
7. TJ
8. Reiger (aka mPire)
9. Rob
10. Moshpit Medic
11. Nefarious Broadcaster
12. MrMcCat
13. Troy
14. Monkey
You can find all the teambuilder links here
Thanks to James and all the DM United crew. It was hugely enjoyable and my first online experience. Anyone thinking about playing online should definitely jump in, it works so well with even just a smart phone. And you won’t find a better bunch to play against.
Thank you, Danny! I’m very glad you had a good time 🙂 And yes, do join us!
Thanks to James and all the DM United crew. It was hugely enjoyable and my first online experience. Anyone thinking about playing online should definitely jump in. It works so well with even just a smart phone. And you won’t find a better bunch to play with.
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