This Thursday’s Dice Fight is D&D Only! If you’re new to this, check out the main Dice Fight page for the sign-up instructions and general details about proxies. Otherwise, read on for this week’s Team Building rules.
Time converter at worldtimebuddy.comTeam Building Rules
- All cards, including BACs, must be from the D&D sets
- This is a Golden event, meaning all D&D sets are at your disposal, but…
- It is a ‘Green’ event in terms of competitive level, so dust off some of your lesser-played Owlbears, Potions and Lizardfolk. Please avoid such power cards as Bard, Yuan-ti, God Catcher, Dwarf Wizard, Purple Worm, and Delayed Blast Fireball. As a general rule, unblockable is NOT green and neither is messing with your opponent’s wincon. Go for the combo and the fun of the game, rather than the win at all costs 🙂
Please see the main Dice FIght page for details of how to sign up. If you have any trouble at all, don’t hesitate to contact me, either here or in discord (@jacquesblondes).