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DF#50 Green Giants (9 July)

This Thursday’s Dice Fight is Jolly Green Giants! If you’re new to this, check out the main Dice Fight page for the sign-up instructions and info about proxies. Otherwise, read on for this week’s Team Building rules and submission form (you can also submit directly in Discord).


Time converter at

Team Building Rules

  1. All cards (except BACs) must cost 5 or more.
  2. This is a Golden event in terms of the card pool, so everything is available, including Infinity Gauntlet proxies, if so you wish.
  3. But it is also a ‘Green’ event in terms of competitive level, so forget control and enjoy the game. Pull out some of those less popular siblings that rarely see the light of day, and put together some daft combos that, if by some miracle they come off, you will remember forever.

Ban List

This is very much a green event – use you judgement.


If this form does not display properly, or you have any trouble filling it in, do let us know and we’ll do our best to fix it. You can also submit directly in Discord

Team Lists