This Thursday’s Dice Fight is the third round of our Golden Legacy series. If you’re new to this, check out the main Dice Fight page for the time, sign-up instructions and general details about proxies. Otherwise, read on for this week’s Team Building rules and submission form (you can also submit directly in Discord).
Time converter at worldtimebuddy.comTeam Building Rules
- This is a Golden event – anything goes, except what’s on the ban list.
- It is very much a ‘Red’ event in terms of competitive level, so gird your loins.
Ban List
Golden Legacy is on the first Thursday of each month, and each round will see all versions of all cards on the top two teams banned for future events, in addition to what Wizkids have banned in Golden. This list is also integrated into the Dice Coalition teambuilder (select ‘Dice Fight Legacy’ in the format drop-down).
- Beholder: Master Aberration (BFF)
- Ring of Magnetism: Action Attraction
- Elf Thief
- Constantine
- Black Widow (AvX)
- Dwarf Wizard
- Shriek
- Half-Elf Bard
- Oracle
- Professor X (UXM)
- Morphing Jar
- Multiple Man
- Billy Club
- Mera
- Lantern Ring
- Raven
- Clayface (JUS)
- Yuan-Ti Pureblood
- Merlyn
- Ring
- Kryptonite
- Magic Helmet
- Psuedodragon
- Cosmic Cube
- Madelyne Pryor
- The Collector
- Black Manta (JL)
- Norman Osborn
- Captain Cold’s Cold Gun
- Hush
- Kree Captain
- Scarlet Witch (XFC)
- Nihiloor
Basic Actions
- Relentless
- Swords of Revealing Light
- Imprisoned
- Wallop
- Cloud Kill
- Static Field
- Create Food and Water
- Pizza
- Resurrection
- Trusted Friend
- Thrown Brick
If this form does not display properly, or you have any trouble filling it in, do let us know and we’ll do our best to fix it.